
Archive for January, 2012|Monthly archive page

Error, Correction,Whatever

In Uncategorized on 31/01/2012 at 09:53

The last post was supposed to contain a video clip.

So sorry.


In Uncategorized on 30/01/2012 at 12:25

The only way I think I can get this to my blog is thru e-mail.

Bradley J Schuller Phd

Rare Opinion

In Only my opinion on 29/01/2012 at 17:49

I do not like to editorialize too much- yea right- however I just quit smoking two days ago and I am angry at Bass fishermen. I was on the dock working on my boat today and some fisherman in the old 35, 000 bas boat were casting under around and on the side of my boat. I asked them if they could please try and stay about ten feet from my boat with their casting. They got offended. I got red and and jaw jacked. wasn’t pleasant conversation. They did move on.

I like fishing. I like fisherman. I fish. I like to catch bass. No problem with fishing or fishermen. Problem is with ignorance and manners. I wanted to ask the mouthy one where he lived so I could come over to his house and shoot sparrows with a pellet gun in his yard really close to his windows. I know people up and down the lake who have had hooks caught in their hands when they go to untie a boat. I have seen chips in gel coat happen before my eyes in a number of places I have stayed over. I have a a friend of mine who has a collection of about 30 lures and hooks he has pulled from his lines and his sunbrella over the last 5 years. Get my point.

Here I sit on a lake that is 183 miles long with more shoreline than most large bays. You have this expensive high speed boat which can travel and fish miles of this lake in one day. Can’t do that. These low skill fisherman go to the docks. They might as well be pier fishing. I could go up and down the docks with a cane pole instead of some 400 dollar signature bass rod and reel and do just as well. How about a little skill boys and go explore and mrk some hotspots and be a real sportsman. These are the same guys who go to a fenced in private preserve to get their buck.

This is not about all bass fisherman. This is about the lazy ones.

Last point about courtesy. I slow down when I am coming through a narrow channel and there are fisherman nearby. When they are actually in the channel they get the horn. Some boats draft more than 18 inches. I try to observe the no wake zones. You know what I am about to say so I won’t.

Anyway I feel better and I did not have to smoke.

By the way here is the humor for the day:

A picture of a West Tennessee health club I captured a couple days ago;


Nothing like a Nordic Track

This Old Boat

In old boat on 27/01/2012 at 09:12

Nothing like making a 26 year old boat look like a 16 year old boat. I am finding out that all the windows and trim on this boat where made by hand. I am in the process of replacing the windows and slides;

jan peb isle-8

jan peb isle-11

All the frames were hand cut as well as the openings. Neither frame is exactly the same.  The beauty of an old boat. I am ordering new tracks and new safety glass. Piece of crap only lasted 26 years haa… Don’t worry, they build them good in Sweden eh Sven.

George says hi. I got the little bastard a new chair and he still wants more.

jan peb isle-14

Keep sending Lawyers, guns and money.

What a Difference a Year Makes

In Uncategorized on 09/01/2012 at 16:18

Sorry no post for awhile. Been through a few medical issues and haven’t had the inertia. But remember:

Character is determined by what you do on the third and fourth tries.

It has been a mild winter and short sleeve shirts, temps in the high fifties, sixties, and a little part time work. All is good. Last year it looked like this;

dec 12 003

This year like this;


Pebble Isle folks have been good as gold. We have taken turn doing big lunches for the work crew and the live aboards. I have gotten to be the designated dishwasher. All that high school part time work not wasted. I also do sous chef work and expedite. We are the best educated kitchen staff west of Nashville. I didn’t go to dishwasher doctor school for 7 years to be called Mr. dishwasher.

I finally got the prop deal done and had mine reworked but the water is so low now we can’t pull the boat. I don’t care. I am having a good adventure.

I had sad news last week. I found out two good people who had made my life better than it ought to have been passed away. They both live in my thoughts and will never really be gone. I had a double for both of them.

My boat has been moved for the fourth time. I am a true transient when you not only move down the river but move around the marinas on the river. I have met one of my goals for my trip so far; I have been to every liquor store and Wal-Mart between Marietta and Iuka Mississippi. I did not hit all the Dollar General stores. I am only one man.

People said I should not have gone down the river last year at the time I did. Well enough said. This year I would have made it all the way no sweat. What a difference a year makes.


new years res

By for now

2011 in review

In Uncategorized on 05/01/2012 at 09:11

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 3,700 times in 2011. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 3 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.