
Posts Tagged ‘Pickwick Lake’

Geek Needed In Grand Harbor

In winter in the south on 18/01/2011 at 10:31

I arrived at Grand Harbor Sunday and got all excited about uploading some footage of the trip through the Pickwick Lock. I am having a heck of a time getting this done. The format of the video is all screwed up. My computer is having Wi-Fi problems and I am lost as to the problem. NEED A GEEK HERE. My GPS is dead and had an appropriate funeral at sea. He died like any $34 GPS would have liked, in a crucial situation.

On the brighter side of things Grad Harbor is nice. My slip has a great view of the river and is very private. I will be going to Shiloh battlefield when the weather breaks. I hope to rig the boat for sailing and on a good day in the upper 40’s I am taking her out. This is a 83,000 acre lake and very scenic.

I will try to upload the video even if I have to do it as raw footage a bit at a time. Here are some photos from this leg of the trip. Very few because I did mostly  video

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Anchorage Behind Diamond Island Saturday night. Got down to 23 degrees

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Still snow on the ground

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Flags at half staff for Gabby

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First look at Pickwick Lake – smooth as glass

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My back porch