
Archive for July, 2011|Monthly archive page

And Now the Little River Band

In Uncategorized on 29/07/2011 at 13:40

Baby Steps

In Uncategorized on 24/07/2011 at 12:44

I have now been back at Grand Harbor Marina for One week. As you know the weather has been hotter than a Las Vegas show girl. I have been doing a few things every day to get the boat in marina a summer shape. This place on the weekends is crazy. Tourists and weekenders willy nilly. Best to stay off the water and out of the way. This week I have;

Made new dock lines

Put winter equipment and clothes in storage

Washed down boat after 8 months

regigged all the halyards and lines

Jury rigged an air conditioner (second best purchase since start of trip)

Had two biopsies done for Basal cell skin cancer

found a doctor for drug refills ( you know what I am like without my drugs)

Found all the things in the boat I used to know exactly where I put them

Had my cell phone break down and will wait until Monday to replace

Actually recovered the impetus to restart journal

Avoided television for 7 days

Etc. etc. etc., ditto ditto ditto

The question of the week is;

When you do nothing how do you know when you are done?

Here are some pics from this weekend

722 009

722 001

722 008

722 011

And last but not least I organized the following event

Naked pillow fight cover

Always Hotter in Ohio

In imagine this allday on 21/07/2011 at 18:29

Just a quick note to say I am on the water and as it is everywhere it is hot as hell. Washed the boat this morning at 8:00 AM and had to take many breaks. It gets hot on the water. I have been sadly forced to seek cooler confines during the day.

This is unfortunately my office and reading room:

summer office july 19th 001

summer office july 19th 002

summer office july 19th 003

View from office:

summer office july 19th 004

Poverty is a terrible thing to waste

Leaving the Home of the Gnome

In Uncategorized on 13/07/2011 at 10:58

gnomes all over

Well after almost six months of the great white north I will be leaving on the 16th to head back to Pickwick Lake. I hope to be in the water by Monday. As you might imagine the few days it will take to get the boat out of the yard will be Heat Index warning days!

My sister is well on the mend and should be back teaching this fall. She was a real trooper through it all. The roller coaster has still not yet stopped but we are on the final stretch. Being with her through this has been a humbling experience and a lesson in mortality.

However who could not miss


all the great Ohio yard art. Including the

yard pig

dressed up yard pig

I will be in touch in few days