
Archive for October, 2011|Monthly archive page

Waiting for Transmission

In Uncategorized on 22/10/2011 at 12:07

Still at Pebble Isle. Her are some interesting pictures from around the marina;

1020 008

Thought you might like this hood ornament on a 47 Chris Craft

1020 003

This gaff rigged cat boat yawl came in to avoid the storm

1020 004

1020 006

The masts fold down for bridges

1020 009

This is a down east lobster boat being restored by the marinas owners Randy and Kim

1020 010

And lastly the double entendre removal system with a suction probe, yes probe.

check the possible fun with the label

1020 002

Hard to reach liquids have met their match

In Uncategorized on 13/10/2011 at 16:19

On The Mend

In on the mend, Uncategorized on 13/10/2011 at 16:02

I am wounded but not slain, I will lie down awhile and bleed and rise to fight again.

Transmission is on the way. Got everything worked out. Will probably be here for a couple more weeks . I have been helping out with the docking during the day. Lots of loopers. All sizes and types of boats. Had a custom river boat come in playing a calliope. Her are pictures from the last few days.

don't know 10 8 018

don't know 10 8 003

Kentucky Lake Redux

In Uncategorized on 08/10/2011 at 20:19

Well I actually have a signal on the internet for the first time since I left Garand Harbor. I am presently at Paris Landing State park Marina. I have decide to to go against the southern traffic with all the loopers because they screw up the locks and and many don’t know how how to boat. It is the 60’s crowd that never did the Jack Kerouac mini bus trip, and now they are doing it on yachts that are are basically on a moving condominium.

here are some pictures from life since Grand Harbor. I actually anchor out “ I am not worried about pollution, I am am an air conditioned Gypsy.

pebble isle redux 003

That was the Jeter towhead

pebble isle redux 004

Sundown at Jeter

pebble isle redux 005

Sunrise at Jeter

This is free, just pull in

Now that I have more then 1/2 bar on the cell data thing I will show some really good stuff that does not involve frontal nudity.