
Posts Tagged ‘Tennessee River’

I am Somewhere and Just Have Two Locks to Go

In On the river, Uncategorized on 25/11/2013 at 15:48


I am anchored at Rattlesnake Bend at mile marker 223. 225 is exactly half way between the Tennessee river and Mobile Alabama. I have dodged the rain so far so I pushed for 48 miles today. Got thru Heflin lock quickly and pumped the engine to 2200 RPM and here I am.  Here is the Day in pictures.


Sunrise at Sumter




There was a sofa at the top of this 100 foot cliff. The proverbial catbird seat.


The white bluffs


My gosh there every where



Make them stop that

Well there you go.That’s today. I am going to have a Canadian and water. Remember I am only drinking things that start with w. The rain just started. Great timing.

Dr Brad standing by on 16.

Mile Marker 270 from Nowhere but Three Locks and I’m Out

In long haul, winter in the south on 25/11/2013 at 06:58


Man… I haven’t posted for about ten days. The weather has been somewhat brutal. The barge traffic has been somewhat brutal at Fulton  Lock. The last two days have been freezing and rain is coming for two days. I , as you may guess, am at mile marker 270 on the Tenn-Tom waterway. I have had to stop at marinas for 4 days. Two days at midway and Two at Columbus both where planned for fuel and supplies. The 2nd day at midway was due to heavy barge traffic through Fulton.

I have had 10 – 15 mph winds since 11/20. After I left Columbus Marina thru Stennis lock the river is all new to me. I have  done 9 locks on this waterway and three to go until Mobile and open water. As mentioned every one has been with a 10-15 mph tail wind and it’s looks like Gainesville Lock will be no different tomorrow.

I had made a trip line as I mentioned before but gave it up after last night. The line got wrapped around the anchor over night as the boat drifted. Nothing like untangling an anchor line in twenty degree temps and 15 mph winds. Throw in wet gloves and it gives you a reason to live. As I have said before I love so!

I have been busy with the whole deal and have not taken a bunch of pictures but here are a few.


This is an eagle who kept me company at Midway Marina for two days


These guys have followed me most of the Tennessee River. You can’t ditch the ghost of Columbus. The Niña or Pinta ?


A brief three hours in the morning before the wind picks up

snag boat

Snag boat Montgomery just above Bevill Lock. I did not take this picture because I blew by on the way into the lock. You can find anything on the internet.


This is what lock water looks like with a stiff tail wind. You had to be there.


Looking’ serious


First sight of Spanish moss

And for you people that are just into the blog for the sex


This was a real ad. You can find anything on the internet.

Well that’s it for now.

Dr Brad standing by on 16

Headwaters Then Heading South

In On the river on 06/09/2013 at 10:16

I have not posted for awhile I have been oh so not busy and have no excuses. I mentioned last post that I did make it to the Tennessee River headwaters and here they are.


This is the center between the Holston River to port and the French Broad River on starboard.


The French Broad River


The Holston River


Headwaters from about a quarter mile. I am at mile 652. I have traveled every one of them by water.


This is Knoxville as I head back down river.


I spent the night here downtown

And the next day I am off and heading to Goose Pond

P1010804 (2)

Just a blue moon


A pretty picture from Jones Creek



All day everyday

Well I am back at goose pond. I am rich with $46 in my pocket.

I had two scares during the trip. I stopped on 8/23 just above Watts Bar dam. my anchor got rapped around a limb that had been weighted and dropped for fish attraction. The line was seriously wound up. I had to go in the water and spend 15 minutes diving and untangling to get free. This was the first time on the whole trip all 4000 miles of it I have been hung up like that. The second scare was rain on the river.  I was just out of Ft. Loudon in a narrow channel when it started raining to beat the band. It was raining so hard I could not see more than 10 feet in front of the boat. This went on for 20 minutes. I couldn’t stop I couldn’t see what was coming. I didn’t know if I was in the channel or not. What did I do?

I went on the radio with a securite , securite announcing my speed and river mile and slowed to about 4mph- just enough to handle the current and steerage. I steered by plot charter kinda like instrument only flying. my only big fear was hitting a log. I had seen quite a few big ones usually about 4 or 5 a day. I puckered up and and made it. That’s why we have life jackets ( which I wear all the time) and insurance. I also could have hit the horn for 5 short bursts every 30 seconds which is a warning signal. Honestly I forgot that one.

As usual I get back and spend too long not contacting friends. I will do better. I guess. If I have to.







Gotta love it.

Dr Brad Standing by on 16.

This is What it’s Like to live in 110 Square Feet

In long haul on 25/07/2013 at 19:51

Well All the stuff is done. The river has gone back down. I have no excuses. I am leaving here in one week. I am heading East. I am headed up river to the last good anchorage on the Little Tennessee River. The water is clear to 15 feet and the water temperature is near 65 degrees.

Get it on. No big pics just where I live in 110 square feet with a 28 year old woman. She’s small but has good lines and has supported my every move. She’s not high maintenance but you gotta come when she calls. Check out the following video.

Dr Brad standing by on 16

A guy told me he only had 2 weeks to check out the Tennessee River watershed and asked me what to do. I told him to go over to that rock, sit down, and cry.