
Archive for December, 2011|Monthly archive page

Long time No see

In Uncategorized on 17/12/2011 at 11:10

Well I have not posted for a looo…ng time. I have a new transmission for my boat and because of the expense I am wintering at Pebble Isle marina just like last year. The difference is the weather. A year ago we had lows in the  single digits. On this day last year we had snow and sleet and temps in the 20’s. So far 40’s and 50’s lowest temp has been in the upper 20’s.

Because my transmission is geared different than my old one I have had to reprop the boat. I have to find the right propeller to fit the revolutions of the propeller shaft. Very technical very frustrating and potentially very expensive.

However I have been doing other work on the boat like resealing teak trim and sealing fittings. Also doing engine maintenance and improving ventilation to avoid condensation in the holds.

Here is my slip for the winter. I am undercover this time and packed in with another boat.


new slip 003

that is the view out the back. Here is the view out of the frontnew slip 002

We also had a pretty rainy day or two with provided a rise in the lake level of 9 feet. Here are some picks of the flotsam and jetsam the day after.

the flood 002

the flood 008

the flood 009

the flood 004

Notice the boat hull in the upper right corner

Also got to take a ferry ride across the river. They still have ferries down here to avoid driving miles between bridges.

Nothing like taking river pictures out a car window at a place I have been past in the boat three times.

12 16 ferry 036

12 16 ferry 038

12 16 ferry 039

Hope you all have wicked holidays and remember there is still time left  before the new year to commit acts of immorality with despicable and vile intent.

Here is a picture from warmer times wearing the t-shirt Alex and Matt gave me upon leaving.

12 16 ferry 003