
Archive for March, 2017|Monthly archive page

The Three T’s of Volunteering

In On the river, Uncategorized on 29/03/2017 at 16:54

I was sitting on my boat in rapt attention to my computer contemplating the three t’s of volunteering .” They are Tourists, Trash, and Toilet Paper.

I looked up and there were about six people looking around my boat. ” What’s up?” Behold the manatee. She was floating around the stern of my boat basking in the sun. I tried to get some good pictures but the sun and water were too reflective. I did get a shot of her flank that shows propeller marks from getting too close to modern man creating an unpleasant result. I occasionally have a similar experience.

Well that’s that.

Today’s tune for Dan Wagner – Fresh Air …. QuickSilver Messenger Service

Dr Brad standing,sitting ,and just rolling over on 16

St. Johns Update

In Don't waste poverty, On the river, Uncategorized on 18/03/2017 at 17:11


Well I’m three weeks into a slice of river volunteer heaven. I can’t think of a better place to clean fire pits, toilets, picnic and campsite areas, and don’t forget I’m driving the ferry.

Got my grey volunteer uniform shirt. I am stylin’ and profilin’.

To other matters we have  living on the boat and traveling forever thing. Had to rally for an eye appointment- glasses broke- and I’m making up with the dental – cash pay- negotiating stuff. Had some problems with an Rx at the local CVS. Can’t transfer a prescription more than once. So I’m calling doctors trying to keep up the meds. And the doctors always want tests . Now I gotta get find a doc and so forth and so on , blah blah blah.

Hey, wake up Dr Brad, it’s a small price to pay unless you want to live in a stick house. Took a dinghy ride today, catfish pole in the water, listening to Motown on the XM. Maybe a Canadian and water, fresh veggies for dindin; come on man.

Dr Brad standing by on 16

todays tune ” I’m sitting on top of the world” by various artists

pick me a good one Mark

Off the Island

In On the river, Uncategorized on 03/03/2017 at 08:48

“I’m sitting in a railroad station got a ticket for my destination”

Waiting for the Amtrak to Tampa and then bus to Fort Myers. I’m getting my vehicle and heading back. I am now well and good at Hontoon Island State Park. I passed my safety test and will be able to drive the ferry.

There are no cars on the island and I tell you peace and quiet are ubiquitous. I volunteer twenty hours a week for free dockage. The rangers are great, the other volunteers are great,and the guests are great.

We refer to people being off or on the island. Isn’t that 😎. “Where’s Bradley.” “Well I think he’s off the island.”

I talk about how good showers and restrooms are at marinas I visit. Well guess who cleans them ” on the island”, go ahead and guess.

Dr Brad standing by on 16

Tune of the day “Cool Change” by The Little River Band